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One for the
Money (5/10)
by Tony Medley
Run time 93
OK for children.
Steve Cannell (The
Rockford Files, etc.) introduced me to Janet Evanovich when I asked
him what mystery writers he liked. I started reading her books (all of
which have a number in the title, and it goes up chronologically, now on
18), and hers are the most consistently risible books I read. So I was
looking forward to this film, especially when it stars Katherine Heigl,
one of the most beautiful of Hollywood actresses.
Alas, the movie,
directed by Julie Ann Robinson from a script by Stacy Sherman & Karen
Ray and Liz Brixius, is surprisingly dull. The lines penned by Evanovich,
while riotously funny when read, aren't nearly as effective in the film.
I wasn't comparing the screenplay with the book, but I never did much
more than chuckle once or twice in the film, when I laughed uproariously
at the book.
The film is told
in the first person in a voice over by Heigl, who plays Evanovich's
protagonist, Stephanie Plum, and the story line stays pretty close to
the way I remember the book, which I read several years ago. Jason
O'Mara is an effective Joe Morelli, the cop Stephanie is fighting to
keep from falling head over heels in love with. And Daniel Sunjata is
equally effective as Ranger the crime fighting security guy who is
something of a superman.
This film
introduces Stephanie as a destitute bounty hunter going after some
bizarre people and one really bad guy, and includes fairly good
portrayals of Morelli and Ranger and Vinnie (Patrick Fishler),
Stephanie's cousin for whom she works, her goofy, but funny Grandmother
Mazur (Debbie Reynolds), and the other staples in all the Evanovich
books. Grandmother Mazur has most of the good lines in the books, but,
maybe due to the fact that they are really funny because of the way that
Stephanie relates them, they lose some of their punch when Reynolds
actually mouths the words, instead of being repeated by Stephanie in her
first person narrative. What's left out of the film is Stephanie's lust
for Ranger, although maybe that's developed more in later books. It
certainly is not a part of this film, and this film needs it.
I was
disappointed, and it's not because I have read many of the books. I've
seen many, many films made out of books I've read and have rarely been
let down just because I knew what was going to happen and was familiar
with certain lines. My companion at the film had never read the books
and was only luke-warm about the film also. I hope they make another try
at it. My suggestion would be to get an experienced director (Robinson
is only 28 and has meager feature film experience) who could transfer
more of the comedic values from the book onto the screen.